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Wednesday, February 15, 2023
05:39 am CET
By Ronny Waburek
Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 05:39 am CET
By Ronny Waburek





Artwork only for a short time

Banksy aims at Valentine's Day

Artwork only for a short time

Banksy aims at Valentine's Day

"Valentine's Day mascara" in Margate, created and posted by Banksy.

"Valentine's Day mascara" in Margate, created and posted by Banksy.

"Valentine's Day mascara" in Margate, created and posted by Banksy.


Banksys has been active again. This time on Valentine's Day. And it's no coincidence. His latest work, "Valentine's Day Mascara" in Margate, UK, has again caused a stir. What's on display? A 1950s-style woman in a plaid dress. She was obviously subjected to domestic abuse. She has a swollen eye and is standing next to a freezer where you can guess her husband's legs.

The assumption is certainly not very far-fetched that Banksy deals with domestic violence in this work. But it is also about more: an essential part of the work - the freezer - has been removed shortly after the creation of the work. No sooner has the work been created than it has disappeared - at least in part. This fits quite well with what Banksy has done in recent years. In addition to focusing on socio-critical themes, three-dimensional objects play an increasingly important role. Their regular disappearance makes it difficult to exploit the works commercially. Art, as Banksy makes it, partially eludes market mechanisms.