Banksys has been active again. This time on Valentine's Day. And it's no coincidence. His latest work, "Valentine's Day Mascara" in Margate, UK, has again caused a stir. What's on display? A 1950s-style woman in a plaid dress. She was obviously subjected to domestic abuse. She has a swollen eye and is standing next to a freezer where you can guess her husband's legs.
The assumption is certainly not very far-fetched that Banksy deals with domestic violence in this work. But it is also about more: an essential part of the work - the freezer - has been removed shortly after the creation of the work. No sooner has the work been created than it has disappeared - at least in part. This fits quite well with what Banksy has done in recent years. In addition to focusing on socio-critical themes, three-dimensional objects play an increasingly important role. Their regular disappearance makes it difficult to exploit the works commercially. Art, as Banksy makes it, partially eludes market mechanisms.