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Wednesday, July 5, 2023
07:52 am CET
By Ronny Waburek
Wednesday, July 5, 2023, 07:52 am CET
By Ronny Waburek





Final Chapter for Zeno X

Antwerp Gallery Shutting Down

Final Chapter for Zeno X

Antwerp Gallery Shutting Down


Zeno X, a prominent art gallery based in Antwerp, Belgium, is set to close its doors after 42 years in operation. Known for its significant contributions to the Belgian art scene, Zeno X played a crucial role in elevating the profiles of renowned artists like Luc Tuymans and Jack Whitten.

The reasons behind the gallery's closure remain somewhat unclear. In a social media statement, Zeno X attributed the decision to "several health issues" that had escalated the stress and pressure associated with running the gallery.

Over the years, Zeno X represented a diverse roster of artists, including N. Dash, Raoul De Keyser, Yun-Fei Ji, Martin Margiela, Jockum Nordström, and Patrick Van Caeckenbergh. Many of these artists went on to achieve representation with major galleries, such as David Zwirner.

The gallery's visionary eye extended beyond painting, as evidenced by its support for artists working in various mediums. Sculptor Mark Manders and video artist Stan Douglas, for instance, had solo shows at Zeno X in the 1990s. Zeno X also initially emphasized architecture and installation, hosting a show by architect Rem Koolhaas in 1984. Notable artists who have had solo exhibitions at Zeno X include Miriam Cahn, Anton Corbijn, Dirk Braeckman, and Mounira Al Solh.

The founders of Zeno X expressed gratitude for the past decades of operation, acknowledging the extraordinary exhibitions and encounters with inspiring individuals worldwide.
Zeno X's closure marks the end of an era for the Belgian art scene, which has benefitted from the gallery's influential presence and its unwavering commitment to avant-garde artworks.